Baby Registry Items to Promote Development

Having a baby can be filled with many emotions. The idea of creating a registry may feel a bit overwhelming but also quite exciting. Figuring out which products are going to be the best fit will help set you and your baby up for success when he or she arrives! To take out some of the guesswork, these are some wonderful items that will help promote fine and gross motor development, sensory processing skills and environmental exploration:

Playmat: A mat is one of the most important items you can get! Tummy time can start right after birth if there are no medical complications. A round mat can be helpful in the first few months when your baby is not quite mobile yet. Once your little one starts to move and groove and you find your baby starting to roll or crawl off the mat, it will be time to upgrade to a larger floor-based mat.

Indoor/outdoor blanket: A great way to get tummy time in when you are on the go! This provides a surface for your little one to explore.

Cloth books: A great wat to bring books when you are on the go. Soft, wipeable and light, these books make any unforeseen messes a quick clean up and you are on your way!

Mirror: A mirror helps to encourage reaching and visual tracking. Your baby will also be quite amused at looking at himself/herself in the mirror.

Baby wearing wrap: A wrap promotes bonding through skin to skin contact. It naturally encourages brain development, assists in temperature, digestion and heart regulation.

Wooden toys: Natural wood can be neurologically organizing for your baby.

High contrast images: High contrast designs like Black and White Picture Cards & Books help promote your baby’s visual development.

Music: Calming music can assist with internal regulation especially when it comes from a parent or loved one through singing or humming.

Simple Light Weight Rattles: Oball, Winkle or Light weight egg shakers are a great way to build foundational digit isolation, dexterity and midline orientation 

Baby Bjorn Bouncer & The Upseat: Some of the only containers we approve as therapists. These "containers" maintain alignment & support age-appropriate postural control. Great first options for feeding your 4–5-month-old. 

Teethers: Great way to provide oral exploration and hand to mouth. Soft silicone toys that are easy to hold such as the small Sophie Giraffe, and easy to grasp ring teethers.

Content provided by: Michelle Penso, MS, OTR/L, BCP


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